
You will work in a team of four. Each of you will choose one role to perform in order to complete a Microsoft Powerpoint or E-Maze presentation.

Step 1- As a group research Microsoft Powerpoint and E-Maze. Decide as a group which you will use to complete your final presentation.

Step 2- Choose a role in order to suit your abilities.

Role 1- Flower Expert
In order to create a compelling presentation you must have correct facts and information. Use the links below to find what makes flowers important. How do they help us? What is their purpose? You will use these facts when you return to your home group in order to put together your final presentation for the principal.

Facts about Flowers
Importance of Flowers
Flowers are Important

Role 2- Timeline Researcher

What does it take for a flower to grow? Your goal is to use the links below to research the entire life cycle of a flower from beginning to end. Once you feel confident in your knowledge you will be returning to your group to put together your final presentation for the principal.

Flower Life Cycle
Plant Life Cycle for Second Grade
Plant Life Cycle Picture

Role 3- New Jersey Flower Expert

Your goal is to research flowers of New Jersey. Which flowers could survive in our area? Which would be the best flowers to put in the courtyard of the school? Once you feel confident in your knowledge you will be returning to your group to put together your final presentation for the principal.

Plants of the Pinelands
Flowers of NJ

Role 4- Graphic Designer

You are the artist of the group. Your goal is to decide and create the color scheme, pictures, fonts, and layout in order to match your presentation (i.e. Don't put pictures of planes in a presentation about singing). Remember you are presenting this to your principal and the final presentation should be neat, inviting, and persuasive.

Once everyone in your group has completed their separate task you will return to your home group. As a group you will use the knowledge learned in order to create the final presentation together. Work together and take turns to type up the presentation in the layout your graphic designer has created. 

Good Luck!

Once your presentation is complete you will present it to the class. As a group decide how you will all participate in giving the presentation.